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Category: Eurasia

The Evolution of Kazakhstan’s Position on Relations with Russia in 1991-2010
Vinokurov E. (2010) The Evolution of Kazakhstan’s Position on Relations with Russia in 1991-2010. March. MPRA Working Paper no. 22187. 2009-2010 are marked by a major breakthrough, namely...
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International Financial Centre in Moscow: What Would it Take?
 World Finance Review, December The idea of Moscow becoming one of the global financial centres reflects a concentrated vision of a broad set of goals for the development of the financial...
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The Post-Soviet Integration Breakthrough. Why the Customs Union has more chances than its predecessors
Vinokurov E., Libman A. (2012) The Post-Soviet Integration Breakthrough. Why the Customs Union Has More Changes to Succeed Than Its Predecessors. Russia in Global Affairs, May-June, pp. 154-163. ...
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Pragmatic Eurasianism
Vinokurov E. (2013) Pragmatic Eurasianism. Russia in Global Affairs. March-April, 11(2):87-96. This article offers a systematic and pragmatic approach to Eurasian integration. It assumes that...
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The Art of Survival: Kyrgyzstan’s Labor Migration, Human Capital, and Social Networks
Central Asian Papers no.7. George Washington University: Washington D.C. Between 15 to 20% of Kyrgyzstan’s total population is currently working abroad. This socioeconomic phenomenon virtually...
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Abolishment of Non-Tariff Barriers in the Eurasian Economic Union: Assessment of Economic Impact
EDB Centre for Integration Studies Report no. 29. EDB: Saint-Petersburg. In the past ten years, non-tariff barriers (NTBs), also more commonly known as non-tariff measures, have played an...
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Assessing the Impact of Non-Tariff Barriers in the Eurasian Economic Union: Results of Enterprise Survey
Vinokurov E. et al. (2015) Assessing the Impact of Non-Tariff Barriers in the Eurasian Economic Union: Results of Enterprise Survey. EDB Centre for Integration Studies Report no. 30, EDB:...
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Monetary Policy of EAEU Member States: Current Status and Coordination Prospects
Joint Report by the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Eurasian Development Bank. The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union stipulates the need to deepen economic integration, inter alia,...
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Eurasian Economic Union: Current State and Preliminary Results
Vinokurov E. (2017) Eurasian Economic Union: Current State and Preliminary Results. Russian Journal of Economics, (3)1: 54-70. This paper assesses the current results of the establishment of the...
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